Presswood Pallets



Compressed Wood Pallets, also known as molded wooden pallets, are made of wood byproducts such as waste pallets, raw wood shavings, wood waste, saw-dust and any other material containing wooden fibre. Their unique design means that they can hold substantial load capacities, whilst also being relatively lightweight. They are also both stackable and nestable, helping to reduce storage space and freight costs during shipment. Generally they are made from ‘resinous’ trees (pine, fir, etc.), the chips come directly from logging and sawmills or from the wood recycling industry. This makes this particular type of pallet extremely eco-friendly. Compressed wood pallets are recognized worldwide as complying with ISPM 15 and that the vast majority of countries readily accept the pallets without the need for further treatment.



Returnable and One time Pallet and Lids


Dimensions (mm) Material Dynamic Load (Kg) Entry
1200*1000 Wood 600 4 Way
1200*1000 Wood 900 4 Way
1140*600 Wood 900 4 Way
800*400 Wood 500 4 Way
800*600 Wood 500 4 Way
1200*800 Wood 600 4 Way
1200*800 Wood 350 4 Way
600*400 Wood 250 4 Way